
This is the page for the characters in the BESM D20 Campaign we are running.

We will have people posting (in-character) bios, journals, whatever they want.

Stay tuned for more!

Kai Inara

A young man in his early 20's, Kai is attending Glendale academy as a way to follow in his family's footsteps and be a hero.

Kai fights using the Ao Ryu Ken Kensei Ryu (Blue Dragon Fist Swordsmanship style) school of martial arts. Which he spent the better part of a year (roughly 8 months) studying under his master, Satoshi Hisanarra.

His physical description is brown hair with caramel colored eyes. He is 5'10" with an athletic build; a little bulkier than most due to the intense physical training required by a swordsman.

Kira Isagarra

Lanky and sleek fast and powerful. thats Kira in four words. what he appears to lack in brute power he makes up for in speed and impact. he's a strategic mastermind but still flawed by the rigidity of his strategic mindset. when he's out witted to a severe degree he's more than prone to locking up and leaving himself vulnerable that's usually the point that his other personality kicks in.

His other side is as powerful and cunning as he is but as impulsive and haphazard as Kai is prone to being. they use the RaiRyu Shinken (The Devout Fist of the Thunder Dragon.) a deadly martial art that uses violent electrical attacks and pressure point attacks to devastate the target.

He stands about 5'7" has a trim athletic build and while looking very skinny when the need dictates it he draws on the powers he holds within and greatly increases his muscle mass at the cost of his blinding speed.

Tenryu Saisen

A young man of 20 years old who descends from the family responsible for retaining the Takan no Ippo school of martial arts and the six weapons associated with it. He seems like a normal student albeit a bit antiquated obviously a sign of his rural upbringing in the town that his family calls home. He's mild mannered in most situations but he can be impulsive at times.

Rumor has it he's watched over by the elemental spirits presiding within the weapons, the spirits themselves being some how tied to his family. although the details are a bit sketchy.