Friday, October 22, 2010

Character Blog: Day 2

Kai Inara July 12 2135

According to the crew we're about two days out from arriving at Glendale island. I spent yesterday afternoon and into the early evening playing my guitar on the main deck both as a way to make up some money under the table and as a way to get a look at the populace of girls on the ship. it seems like for the most part the students are fairly well content turning this boat into a big old party barge up till we arrive at the island. course the idea of roughly 6%+ of the students here being in excess of legal age to drink doesn't prevent that impression from rearing its ugly head either.

The majority of the girls were pretty good looking although a little slutty for my taste besides after the last argument i had with Ami before i left North City I'm not really interested in picking up girls at the moment.

Kai Inara out

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