Friday, October 22, 2010

Character Blog: Kabuto, It Just had to be insect themed

Kira Isagarra July 12 2135 12:00 noon

Its day two of the trip and it seems like some of the students are getting a little overzealous about two hours ago i had to break up a fight with a few Kabuto dorm prefects involving some potential students who'd hijacked a few of the new DualHopper type Zectors and belts from the storage of rider gears that the on board sparing arena had stocked.

This by itself wasn't a threat knowing that the belts were equipped with limiters that greatly depowered the belts from the versions at the academy but one of the kids managed to rewire the zector and bypass the limiter unlocking its full functionality.

The Kabuto dorm prefects got trounced pretty badly by the kid who seemed to know the DualHopper Zector a little too well for his own good. As much as I was aware of the restriction on using personal henshin devices i broke out my Thunder Dragon Gauntlets and challenged the kid to a straight up fight.

As i charged in me and the thief traded blows i could tell this wasn't just some punk with a bit of tech skill he actually new a good deal about how to fight as well. After several minutes of exchanging blows i finally got annoyed with it and I drew my hand back charged it with spirit energy and punched the Zector belt and trashed it.

as the punk ran off scared i handed the remains of the belt to the Prefects and I'm genuinely not sure if they were put off by me destroying the belt or happy to have gotten it back with out the student causing any damage.

After everything was sorted out the leader of the prefects approached me and offered me a spot in Kabuto dorm. I said "I'll consider it but I'd like to earn my spot." the prefect shook my hand and nodded saying "The offer is open and on the table if your interested once we get to Glendale." I walked away giving him a thumbs up pointed to the side showing my indecision at the moment.

Overall today was a good day.

Kira out.

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